October 9, 2020
If you’re new to using Angular Material one of the issues you’re bound to encounter at some point is how to provide data to a MatDialog and use it in the opened component.
You can pass any kind of data to the component by adding data to the MatDialog’s open() options., {
data: {
person: {
name: ‘Simon’,
age: 32,
You can retrieve the data by injecting MAT_DIALOG_DATA in the opened component.
constructor( @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: IPerson ) {
The solution is simple, but a little more obscure than other implementations in Angular Material so I have written this as a quick reference guide for anyone trying to achieve this for the first time, or just needs a quick reminder of the implementation.
constructor(private readonly dialog: MatDialog) {
openPersonalDetailsDialog(): void {, {
width : '100%',
maxWidth : '400px',
height : 'auto',
hasBackdrop: true,
maxHeight : '700px',
panelClass : ‘personal-details-dialog‘,
data : {
person: {
name: ‘Simon’,
age: 32,
As you can see, passing data to a dialog component is as simple as adding a data key to the options parameter of the method. You can pass as many keys and values as you deem necessary into the opened dialog.
So how do I access this data in my PersonalDetailsComponent? Easy! You just need to make sure you add the following injection into your constructor of the component being opened by the dialog.
constructor( @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public data: IPerson ) {
You can then use this like any other imported service, data etc in your component. Bare in mind, this value will be undefined if you use the component in a non-dialog context (<app-personal-details></app-personal-details> for example) so if you plan on using it in multiple ways, you should amend your code to handle this accordingly.
logAge(): void {
console.log( );
<p>Hello, I am {{ }}, and I am {{ data.age }} years old!</p>
Simple as that!
A Web, Tech, Football and Video Game enthusiast. Anything can be settled in smash! I’m a Software Engineer on the team with various front-end and back-end skills.